Nathan Hiemstra
Switched Context
Found Photo Cinemagraphs
Secret Hideaways
House Heads
Paralell Worlds in Reflections
Movie Spoiler Posters
Familiar Hands
Grayscale Rainbows
Reply to Spam
Money Machine
Crying Dracula
Social Interactions
Quote Wheels
Fake Conversations
Inspirationsal StreetWise Magazine Vendor
Disliked Foods Described
Maps of the USA From Memory
Talking With Kids
Crappy Businesscards
Crappy Flyers
Missing Pet Flyers
Creativity Exercises
Receipt Interventions
On the Way to Work
Googly Eyes
Band and the Names
Fake Signatures
Phonebook Puns
Past Work
Personified Animals
Circus Wagon Wheels
Marker Portraits
Animated GIFs
ID Portraits
Converting 2D to 3D
Sticky Note Drawings
Photoshop Challenges
Low-Fi Calligraphy
Club Weasel ID Cards
Pangea and the Continental Drifters
Dancer and the Prancers
Woodchuck and the Could Chucks
Paragraph and the Hard Returns
Lamp Shade and the Diffusers
Patti-Whack and the Dog Bones
Bacon and the Sizzlers
King Solomon and the Solomon Grundy's
Pink Eye and the Crusters
Swimming and the Weightless Feelings
Lemon and the Limers
Garbage And Trashers
Cloud and the Evolving Shapes
Roman Candle and the Summer Sandals
Bedtime Banana and the Slippers
Temper and the Shorties
Shampoo and the Rinsers
Dog and the People Pleasers
Foot Rub and the True Signs of Love
Lever and the Simple Machines
Justin Case and the What Ifs
Nixon and the Helicopter Exits
Tornado and the Aftermaths
ADHD and the Spans of Attention
Dummy and the Smarty Pants
Bowel and the Grunter
Necro and the Feelers
God and the Resters
Over and the Seers
Softy and the Noodlers
Cat and the Cradlers
Cause and the Effecters
Deli and the Caterers
Tinder and the Sticklers
Grandma and the Spoilers
Toothpaste and the Squeezers
High Noon and the Showdowns
Mumbo and the Jumblers